The Adventures Of The Count Of Monte Crypto
The End Of My Stay! (1-25-22) At, GEO Re-Entry Services
part 1
The situation I found myself in could have easily been avoided. But when you have a building full of people who are pretending to be something that they’re not I noticed a lot gets lost in interpretation. You have the “guests” at GEO and most of the staff posing as people who have actually been through the system when in fact they’ve dedicated the majority of their life to being upstanding citizens. So they’re forced to improvise and create a contained environment where they felt they could practice the skills the GEO group was teaching them. I was essentially forced to be a guinea pig for these sorts of tests and for the training they’re providing the individuals the GEO group has recruited.
Back in April of 2020 I tried asking Indira Menken on multiple occasions to switch me out of the 1st room I was in with Alberto Guillen. This came after Alberto Guillen told me that “any offenders who are in a room with me won’t leave the room the same way they came in.” However, Michelle Daniel said “he just can’t switch rooms whenever he likes. He needs to stay there.” Now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt Indira Menken and Michelle Daniel knew exactly what was being said and done to me within the rooms I was assigned and Alberto Guillen was able to get a clearance from homeland security to work for Civic. Alberto Guillen and the members of the GEO staff were trying to entrap me on multiple occasions. I’m not one to ask many questions of people and I began going out of my way to avoid speaking with anyone inside of the GEO facility because the moment I did it would prove more and more these people aren’t who they said they were. George Moore monitor at Geo, had told me on 11-13-21 at 2:50PM that “there is no law enforcement or probation at the building.” Despite the fact that to work at Civic or any of the companies under the GEO umbrella you need clearance from Homeland Security. Even after I began noticing the individuals aren't what they said they are, they still didn’t attempt to hold themselves to a higher esteem. I am not committing any crimes. I go out of my way to stay on the straight and narrow not only because they’re following me out in the community and watching my every move at GEO but also because I don’t break laws. My biggest concern is what they’re actually doing out in the community. I’ve seen how far they’re willing to go to try and get under my skin. I’ve had items planted in my personal belongings such as DVD’s that weren’t mine on multiple occasions Stanley Williams Senior and Kelvin have both tried to dupe me by saying something was mine that wasn’t. Now imagine what the individuals that are recruited by GEO are doing to “people of interest.” What sort of tactics and how far would they go to try and get a suspect over the line and into the judicial system? George Moore and Salvador Marquez monitors at GEO have conspired and plotted against me on multiple occasions. I came back to the GEO facility from work at Restaurant Depot at 5:35PM and was made to wait, then when I wasn’t reacting the way they felt I should I was “written up” at 7PM. Even though George Moore’s recollection of the events was a totally BOP disciplinary report it was cosigned by Salvador Marquez. Michelle Daniel on 10-8-21 at 7:40AM was refusing to sign the DAR I had filled out requesting to attend my court ordered counseling session. When Michelle Daniel refused to sign the DAR I filled out she was again berating and belittling me in front of multiple members of the GEO staff and “guests.” I then asked Michelle Daniel if I needed to supply her with information in exchange for her (Michelle Daniel) signing a legal document. Michelle Daniel replied emphatically “YES!”
All the GEO “guests” and staff have access to the camera system and why wouldn’t they? When you're able to get top level security clearances why would they NOT want to keep an eye on ACTUAL felons since it’s a huge safety risk and I can see that. However, GEO staff and its “guests” with all sexual preferences have watched me use the restroom, change my clothes, shower, get ready for work, talk to my wife, talk to my mother, and or talk to my child, all via an illegal monitoring system. Some of my most personal and intimate privacy was violated 24 hours a day for 530 cumulative days. Over roughly 600+ “guests” have come and gone while I was a RESIDENT of GEO. (Not a “guest” huge difference) These people are recruited, they're part of a class then they go out into the community full time. Over roughly 600+ members of GEO Re-Entry Program over the course of 530 days have illegally monitored my actions, violated my privacy, conspired, plotted and successfully harassed me, some have successfully done it on multiple occasions. No one is free from blame in this situation and ultimately everyone involved is complicit. Since the GEO staff and the “guests” all had access to the cameras, the GEO staff and “guests” all monitored and watched me on the cameras, the GEO staff and its “guests” all were fully aware of what was transpiring from Stanley Williams Senior, Kelvin, Michelle Daniel, the harassment be it sexual or otherwise yet NO-ONE did anything to stop it from happening. The “guests” and GEO staff were actually rewarded for the behavior they were exhibiting. Depending on the amount of illicit activities you can get away with how the community and the ACTUAL felons inside of GEO perceive you the “guests” are placed into better jobs out in the community. Essentially your “cover story” is cemented and you won’t have to dress up like a homeless person to go to work. As I’ve been told by all too many people from the GEO facility, be it “guests” or staff “that’s just how it is, one day you’ll be done with GEO and then you can move on.” Those exact words were spoken to me during one of the group counseling sessions where I tried to allude to the behavior of the “guests” at GEO. Kelvin was present as well as 7 or 8 different people who were also at GEO with me. They all had access to the cameras, they all knew what was going on yet not only were they perfectly ok with it they minimalized and dismissed it. Since the GEO staff and its “guests” are involved with this situation and is fully aware of what they’re doing they don’t see anything wrong with it. As Salvador Marquez so eloquently put it after I sat out in the hallway for 6 hours while the GEO staff refused to unlock the door I mistakenly locked behind me “my colleagues will ALWAYS stand behind my actions.” That applies to every incident I’ve outlined in this letter.
I made $8,565.93 when I was working at Restaurant Depot. Divided by the 530 total days I spent at the GEO facility that equates to $16.16 A DAY. Of the $8,565.93 I made while working at Restaurant Depot I spent $5432.71 of that on essential items. Shampoo, soap, food, storage facility after my items kept getting damaged and stolen, hotel nights when I was released on 1-25-22, PO box so I could actually receive my mail instead of it getting destroyed or stolen. Roughly 65% of my total income was spent on things that GEO should provide and refused to provide. That’s not only the food and soap but also an environment where I don’t need to constantly watch my items for theft, damage or items being planted in them. If the “guests” were actually who they said they were and exhibited the sort of behavior they did while in GEO it wouldn’t have been as quiet as it was. Not only by prison standards but basic human standards the behavior was egregious to put it as nicely as possible.
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