Thursday, June 30, 2022

The End Of My Stay! At, GEO Re-Entry Services

 The Adventures Of The Count Of Monte Crypto

The End Of My Stay! (1-25-22) At, GEO Re-Entry Services 

part 1

                The situation I found myself in could have easily been avoided. But when you have a building full of people who are pretending to be something that they’re not I noticed a lot gets lost in interpretation. You have the “guests” at GEO and most of the staff posing as people who have actually been through the system when in fact they’ve dedicated the majority of their life to being upstanding citizens. So they’re forced to improvise and create a contained environment where they felt they could practice the skills the GEO group was teaching them. I was essentially forced to be a guinea pig for these sorts of tests and for the training they’re providing the individuals the GEO group has recruited.

Back in April of 2020 I tried asking Indira Menken on multiple occasions to switch me out of the 1st room I was in with Alberto Guillen. This came after Alberto Guillen told me that “any offenders who are in a room with me won’t leave the room the same way they came in.” However, Michelle Daniel said “he just can’t switch rooms whenever he likes. He needs to stay there.” Now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt Indira Menken and Michelle Daniel knew exactly what was being said and done to me within the rooms I was assigned and Alberto Guillen was able to get a clearance from homeland security to work for CivicAlberto Guillen and the members of the GEO staff were trying to entrap me on multiple occasions. I’m not one to ask many questions of people and I began going out of my way to avoid speaking with anyone inside of the GEO facility because the moment I did it would prove more and more these people aren’t who they said they were. George Moore monitor at Geo, had told me on 11-13-21 at 2:50PM that “there is no law enforcement or probation at the building.” Despite the fact that to work at Civic or any of the companies under the GEO umbrella you need clearance from Homeland Security. Even after I began noticing the individuals aren't what they said they are, they still didn’t attempt to hold themselves to a higher esteem. I am not committing any crimes. I go out of my way to stay on the straight and narrow not only because they’re following me out in the community and watching my every move at GEO but also because I don’t break laws. My biggest concern is what they’re actually doing out in the community. I’ve seen how far they’re willing to go to try and get under my skin. I’ve had items planted in my personal belongings such as DVD’s that weren’t mine on multiple occasions Stanley Williams Senior and Kelvin have both tried to dupe me by saying something was mine that wasn’t. Now imagine what the individuals that are recruited by GEO are doing to “people of interest.” What sort of tactics and how far would they go to try and get a suspect over the line and into the judicial system? George Moore and Salvador Marquez monitors at GEO have conspired and plotted against me on multiple occasions. I came back to the GEO facility from work at Restaurant Depot at 5:35PM and was made to wait, then when I wasn’t reacting the way they felt I should I was “written up” at 7PM. Even though George Moore’s recollection of the events was a totally BOP disciplinary report it was cosigned by Salvador MarquezMichelle Daniel on 10-8-21 at 7:40AM was refusing to sign the DAR I had filled out requesting to attend my court ordered counseling session. When Michelle Daniel refused to sign the DAR I filled out she was again berating and belittling me in front of multiple members of the GEO staff and “guests.” I then asked Michelle Daniel if I needed to supply her with information in exchange for her (Michelle Daniel) signing a legal document. Michelle Daniel replied emphatically “YES!

All the GEO “guests” and staff have access to the camera system and why wouldn’t they? When you're able to get top level security clearances why would they NOT want to keep an eye on ACTUAL felons since it’s a huge safety risk and I can see that. However, GEO staff and its “guests” with all sexual preferences have watched me use the restroom, change my clothes, shower, get ready for work, talk to my wife, talk to my mother, and or talk to my child, all via an illegal monitoring system. Some of my most personal and intimate privacy was violated 24 hours a day for 530 cumulative days. Over roughly 600+ “guests” have come and gone while I was a RESIDENT of GEO. (Not a “guest” huge difference) These people are recruited, they're part of a class then they go out into the community full time. Over roughly 600+ members of GEO Re-Entry Program over the course of 530 days have illegally monitored my actions, violated my privacy, conspired, plotted and successfully harassed me, some have successfully done it on multiple occasions. No one is free from blame in this situation and ultimately everyone involved is complicit. Since the GEO staff and the “guests” all had access to the cameras, the GEO staff and “guests” all monitored and watched me on the cameras, the GEO staff and its “guests” all were fully aware of what was transpiring from Stanley Williams SeniorKelvinMichelle Daniel, the harassment be it sexual or otherwise yet NO-ONE did anything to stop it from happening. The “guests” and GEO staff were actually rewarded for the behavior they were exhibiting. Depending on the amount of illicit activities you can get away with how the community and the ACTUAL felons inside of GEO perceive you the “guests” are placed into better jobs out in the community. Essentially your “cover story” is cemented and you won’t have to dress up like a homeless person to go to work. As I’ve been told by all too many people from the GEO facility, be it “guests” or staff “that’s just how it is, one day you’ll be done with GEO and then you can move on.” Those exact words were spoken to me during one of the group counseling sessions where I tried to allude to the behavior of the “guests” at GEO. Kelvin was present as well as 7 or 8 different people who were also at GEO with me. They all had access to the cameras, they all knew what was going on yet not only were they perfectly ok with it they minimalized and dismissed it. Since the GEO staff and its “guests” are involved with this situation and is fully aware of what they’re doing they don’t see anything wrong with it. As Salvador Marquez so eloquently put it after I sat out in the hallway for 6 hours while the GEO staff refused to unlock the door I mistakenly locked behind me “my colleagues will ALWAYS stand behind my actions.” That applies to every incident I’ve outlined in this letter.

 I made $8,565.93 when I was working at Restaurant Depot. Divided by the 530 total days I spent at the GEO facility that equates to $16.16 A DAY. Of the $8,565.93 I made while working at Restaurant Depot I spent $5432.71 of that on essential items. Shampoo, soap, food, storage facility after my items kept getting damaged and stolen, hotel nights when I was released on 1-25-22, PO box so I could actually receive my mail instead of it getting destroyed or stolen. Roughly 65% of my total income was spent on things that GEO should provide and refused to provide. That’s not only the food and soap but also an environment where I don’t need to constantly watch my items for theft, damage or items being planted in them. If the “guests” were actually who they said they were and exhibited the sort of behavior they did while in GEO it wouldn’t have been as quiet as it was. Not only by prison standards but basic human standards the behavior was egregious to put it as nicely as possible.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Attempting To Find Work! At, Geo Re-Entry Services

 The Adventures Of The Count Of Monte Crypto

Attempting To Find Work! At, Geo Re-Entry Services

    Money is important in life that’s no secret. And part of the reintegration process involves establishing a nest egg to assist in lowering your chances of recidivism. Back in March of 2020 I entered the GEO Re-Entry Services facility with so much optimism. On one hand I had just released from prison so I was overjoyed to be freed from the bondage that is the federal prison system. I thought I would hit the ground running and build back better. How wrong I was to think that. The job developers Gloria Folorunso and Murtala Lanval were some of the most predatory people that were inside of the facility since they have the power to allow me to leave the facility for anything work related and would stay in constant contact with my employers. Back in March 2020 it took until July of 2020 to even have an honest discussion with them regarding employment. I was then told I need identity documents such as ID, social security card and birth certificate for GEO Re-Entry Services to find me any sort of work including the jobs they allegedly had available for released felons. I was extremely uncomfortable with having my personal information sent into the facility after the box fiasco. After I explained that same situation regarding the boxes that were sent in over and over to Murtala Lanval he suggested my mother send the information directly to him via email. Just as with the boxes allegedly the information never arrived to his inbox. Which resulted in arguments with my family again over whether the information was sent correctly and if any was sent at all. Murtala Lanval has made me sign the work packet multiple times which is roughly 20 pages of signatures claiming I never signed and submitted the packet to them. Almost as if they’re a used car salesmen trying to con me into buying a lemon. 

    During my stay it was suggested I get my social security card by Murtala Lanval. He instructed me to fill out a form he provided, write my social security number in the section the form required, then give it back to the GEO Re-Entry Services staff and they would mail it in for me. Murtala Lanval then asked if I needed an envelope or a stamp to mail in the document. After completing the form and sealing it I gave the letter to GEO Re-Entry Services staff. To date I have not received either my social security card or a piece of returned mail. Roughly April of 2021 after Stanley Williams Senior got hired through the GEO Re-Entry Services facility to work at Civic and I was approached by Murtala Lanval about employment. When asked admittedly I did respond rudely saying “I’ll find my own job.” After he left me to rot inside of the facility from March 2020 through September of 2020 I was not overly enthused about him “helping me.” Shortly after he left I did give it a second thought and went downstairs to the 1st floor, where his office is, with the intention of not only apologizing but asking about any opportunities he may know of. Upon going downstairs no more than 10 minutes after he asked if I would like a job I knocked on his office door and attempted to ask again. Whenever he addressed me he started screaming over and over again asking me “if he was stupid.” He then slammed the door in my face. Since then I tried as hard as I possibly could to avoid Murtala Lanval whenever possible I tried asking the other job developer Gloria Folorunso about job opportunities. She gave me the application for Civic which is run out of the GEO Re-Entry Services facility where you need a Homeland Security clearance to become employed.  After handing me the application Gloria Folorunso proceeds to tell me Civic nor Urban Alchemy will hire people with your background. I came to find out through Stanley Williams Senior that Murtala Lanval is the manager at Civic and the person who does the scheduling.

                I would frequent a place called Hospitality House on 6th Street in San Francisco a few blocks from the GEO Re-Entry Services facility. There the women who worked there Kris Sosa and Brittany Bernard would become my case managers. They would eventually become my case managers at Hospitality House and would assist me with various re-entry services such as finding long term sustainable housing, employment opportunities, and provide assistance with vouchers for public transportation. Although working with both Kris Sosa and Brittany Bernard did come with strings attached. When I got the phone that eventually was seized it was through a person who was familiar with people at Hospitality House. The phone itself was the final piece of the puzzle that finally opened the door to earning an income. With the help of Kris Sosa, Brittany Bernard and the phone I landed my first interview with Amazon on 4-22-21. On the scheduled date I was denied exit from the GEO Re-Entry Services facility by Michelle Daniel to finish the hiring process. On 4-29-21 Kris Sosa and I scheduled a follow up with Goodwill. I was able to make the first interview Kris Sosa had scheduled for me and I felt it went well up until the point the manager said he knew Maria Richards the facility director of GEO Re-Entry Services well and does stay in contact with her which made me hesitant on committing to the job. Either way on 4-29-21 I was again denied exit by Michelle Daniel to finish the hiring process. 5-18-21 I tried again to finish the hiring process with Amazon at one of their satellite facilities again I was denied exit by Michelle Daniel.

Other interviews I managed to get with the help of Kris Sosa, Brittany Bernard and the cell phone I had*:

  • 6-9-21 Imperfect Foods
  • 6-13-21 Ohi                   
  • 6-15-21 West Coast Self Storage                  
  • 6-15-21 SecurCare Self Storage
  • 6-15-21 Restaurant Depot            

*Job Developers Gloria Folonunso and Murtala Lanval provided zero assistance finding employment during my stay at the GEO Re-Entry Services facility.

                By the middle of June Kris Sosa had found me a job from a person she knew personally at Restaurant Depot. On 6-15-21 I had an interview and the job was offered to me on the spot. That same day while coming back into the facility the phone I had been using since the end of April 2021 was seized during the routine search entering the facility. My first day at Restaurant Depot was 6-21-21. That ended the 311 days cumulatively I had spent at the GEO Re-Entry Services facility with no income. Working at Restaurant Depot at first was great. It was an amazing work out and the customers were super friendly to me. It gave me a sense of hope that maybe just maybe things finally took a turn for the better for me. Seeing that I came back to facility in good spirits however did not sit well with the GEO Re-Entry Services staff and Stanley Williams Senior who was still my roommate at this time. ANYTHING job related is micromanaged by Gloria Folorunso and Murtala Lanval the job developers. The Human Resource person at Restaurant Depot named John Cheong told me a few days after I was hired that he has hired 40 plus people from GEO Re-Entry Services and they’re in constant contact. After that conversation I noticed my new (now former) co-workers behaved similar to the “guests” at GEO Re-Entry Services. For example, they were always trying to invade my personal space, eavesdropping on customer’s conversations, purposefully standing in my way when I was trying to work also making rude and sometimes derogatory remarks about me. Roughly two weeks after getting hired at Restaurant Depot a man who was a “guest” at GEO Re-Entry Services also began working at Restaurant Depot. Before then I had never seen anyone from the GEO Re-Entry Services facility not work at a job offered by the job developers at GEO Re-Entry Services such as Urban Alchemy or Civic. Yet there he was working at the same job that I was. Per GEO Re-Entry Services policy jobs residents can’t have while at the RRC “jobs in which you supervise or are supervised by other residents of the RRC.” So in essence by him getting hired at Restaurant Depot it directly sabotaged any chance I had at getting a promotion. 

                I knew pretty early on that I would need a new job after the mood shifted at Restaurant Depot. So Kris Sosa and Brittany Bernard at Hospitality House alleged they kept trying to find new job opportunities for me that could provide additional sources of income. Around August Brittany Bernard informed me of a job fair at The Chase Center on 8-19-21. It definitely took some maneuvering but I managed to make it to the interview. I brought my interview clothes to work at Restaurant Depot, changed in the bathroom leaving work, and jogged to the train to make it to the stadium in time but I managed to make it and the interview went great. Imagine that an ex-con gets a job at one of the most popular teams in the NBA. Although it was still the NBA’s off season I was hired on the spot and scheduled to start in late October of 2021. 8-26-21 I suffered a major setback when lifting a box over my head at Restaurant Depot I felt and heard a pop in my wrist. The pain was instant and I spent the next week in varying states of pain. On 9-4-21 after having my direct supervisor Cindy piling work on top of me expecting me to do the job of the entire department by myself I re-aggravated the injury to the point I asked to leave work and have a medical professional take a look at it. This occurred on the same day I kept asking my supervisor Cindy for the paycheck I had not received and her refusing to get it for me she simply kept telling me to get back to work. This was a reoccurring problem at Restaurant Depot nearly I asked for my paychecks from them. 

    Restaurant Depot did not fill out my direct deposit information correctly and told me it would take up to 6 weeks for the information to properly go into the system and start having my paychecks deposited directly into my bank account. So from June 2021 until September 2021 I would have to receive ask for my paychecks that were printed in paper check form. And they were never given to me on the day the rest of the company was paid. I would wait days sometimes weeks for my paychecks because the individuals at Restaurant Depot refused to give them to me. I once got in an argument with John Cheong regarding my pay in which he attempted to scold me for being rude about asking for my paycheck. Every time it came time for them to pay me for the time I spent at Restaurant Depot there was a clear agenda of making me ask multiple times for my paycheck. On 9-4-21 it was no different. I kept asking my supervisor Cindy for my paycheck and she kept giving me excuses as to why she couldn’t or wouldn’t give it to me. Then every subsequent time after refusing to give me my paycheck she would rudely tell me to keep working and assign me yet another monumental task to complete. The tasks themselves were me doing the work of the entire produce department while my co-workers would disappear for hours at a time. Sure enough later that day I hurt myself further and had to leave work to go to the hospital without receiving my paycheck that was supposed to be made available to me the previous day 9-3-21. After leaving I went back to the GEO Re-Entry Services facility to get permission to go to SF General. I did manage to get authorization to leave to SF General on 9-4-21 right away but the urgent care center was closed and per GEO Re-Entry Services policy “if you go to the ER even if it’s not for anything Covid-19 related you will be placed on a 2 week 24 hour lock down quarantine. Sunday 9-5-21 I managed to get over to SF General Urgent Care and spoke with the doctor. They told me since it was a work place injury they could not give me an x-ray and told me to go through the medical provider Restaurant Depot provides. 9-6-21 was Labor Day and a national holiday and although I left work due to injury I was told by John Cheong that I would not get holiday pay for Labor Day since I was absent the adjacent days even though my absence was due to injury. Tuesday 9-7-21 I spoke with Steven A Leusch at Concentra and got a wrist evaluation. Thursday 9-9-21 was my 2nd Concentra appointment where Steven A Leusch told me I was to stay out of work until I was deemed fit to return. 9-9-21 I also met and spoke with my store manager Chris Cook he gave me my paycheck from 9-3-21 and told me to return when I was able to work again. Since 9-4-21 I have been outspoken about there being something wrong with my wrist. I’ve played enough sports in my life to know when something isn’t functioning properly not to mention the sharp pain I get when I lift or bend my wrist in a direction it doesn’t like. Also on 9-9-21 I went to SF General for a 2nd opinion. I was again told workers compensation is pretty clear on only going through the provider the employer provides.

My 1st physical therapy appointment was on 9-14-21. I was told the over under was 6 appointments before anything further can be done. So I would have to wait a minimum of 6 appointments for an x-ray or MRI assuming my wrist didn’t heal before that time. Just like anything else within the GEO Re-Entry Services facility leaving for physical therapy required a signed an approved DAR. On 9-14-21 I began a true odyssey to get proper medical care. I was sent to the 26 California St Concentra location I had to come to this location as part of workers comp program. The first visit with Nancy Y Leung the (Occupational Therapist Registered) she starts using gorilla like strength and roughhousing the location of my injury while I try my hardest not to tear up from the pain I was experiencing. In between Nancy Y Leung being as rough as possible on my injury site I was told that there was nothing wrong with the location and I would just have to go through the motions of finishing the required therapy sessions to get back into work.

I repeatedly told Nancy Y Leung at the California St location that I had still had pain in the injury site but she (Nancy) repeatedly over and over told me that there was no injury. I am not sure how memory retention became part of the healing process but I was given multiple sets of directions by Nancy Y Leung to do a simple task and met with hostility when I did not find a way to complete all the different tasks simultaneously despite most of them contradicting the previous one. Then came the hardest part of my recovery. I was having difficulty making the appointments due to Michelle Daniel not approving the passes for me to leave the GEO Re-Entry Services cares facility that were scheduled due to logistical issues getting over to the location. After enough times I tried explaining in detail the issues I was facing getting to the therapy appointments. Which in turn must of made the situation worse because the next time I was told I was being discharged from the location due to missed appointments. Before canceling I would call with as much time as possible before the appointment to avoid any sort of inconvenience for the therapist.   9-23-21, 9-24-21, 9-27-21, 9-30-21, 10-8-21 and 10-12-21 I was denied exit from the GEO Re-Entry Services facility by Michelle Daniel to attend physical therapy. On 10-12-21 after calling and rescheduling appointments from all the other dates up until 10-12-21 I was discharged from the Concentra physical therapist on California Street in San Francisco. I was told since I was not keeping the recovery plan Nancy Y Leung had developed for me I could no longer keep canceling appointments so I was thereby discharged. I tried explaining over and over that I was not being allowed to leave the GEO Re-Entry Services facility without serious consequences but I do not think Concentra understood or cared. On one hand I was relieved to not be forced to interact with the physical therapist woman anymore but on the other I still to this day have issues with the site of the initial injury due to it not healing properly. By 10-12-21 I had missed and rescheduled a total of 6 physical therapy appointments.

Restaurant Depot did not make my rehabilitation any easier either. I received in the mail paperwork from the corporate office of Restaurant Depot also from Liberty Mutual who provided insurance for Restaurant Depot and paid me my workers compensation benefits. I needed to sign and return the paperwork with signatures not only from myself but also management at Restaurant Depot. After all the times my paycheck was withheld by either John Cheong, Cindy or any other manager I began trying to use the skills I was taught on the onboarding video related to avoiding contact with individuals who don’t make you feel comfortable in an attempt to avoid conflict. 10-1-21 I called Restaurant Depot and spoke with a woman named Irma. During our conversation I let Irma know I needed paperwork signed by Human Resources and also my paychecks I had not received from worker’s compensation. She went on to tell me she (Irma) was also Human Resources, then scheduled me a date and time to come in for an appointment. On 10-4-21 I arrived at Restaurant Depot at the agreed time yet Irma was nowhere to be found. After standing in the store for 20 plus minutes and all of my coworkers or managers pointedly ignoring me I decided to leave. No paperwork finished and no paychecks. The same day 10-4-21 at 4:25PM still upset I called to again explain what I needed and to ask what happened. I was told by Big John (not to be confused with John Cheong) that the only Human Resources person at the store was in fact John Cheong and he has no knowledge of anyone else who made those claims. He then instructed me to return on 10-5-21 for further assistance. 10-5-21 I finally received my paychecks and I was told by John Cheong that I didn’t need the paperwork signed since Restaurant Depot also got a copy of all the documents, filled them out and sent them back already. I also resubmitted my direct deposit information which up until that point was no done properly by John Cheong

 After going to the Concentra Downtown (26 California St) location my physical therapy was switched to Potrero Hill (2 Connecticut Ave). Although this was the location I had to visit initially after my injury. Steven A Leusch my main workers comp doctor I was provided through workers comp redirected me at first to the Downtown location for physical therapy. As with the Downtown location I tried explaining to Amanda Gon (Physical Therapist) and Steven A Leusch the difficulties I had consistently making appointments to which I was told by Steven A Leusch that it would (in the long run) be my fault if I was unable to make the appointments. (Which it has ended up being since I have long term/permanent damage to the injury location). Over 10+ appointments were canceled or rescheduled over the course of 3 months.

    The physical therapy portion of the clinic was at first great. No MMA like pain tests. Not as much condescending behavior, Amanda Gon the physical therapist and other better physical therapists just over all in my opinion. Several factors however made me cut my physical therapy short and just ask for them to write me a clean bill of health so I would no longer have to return. One would be the behavior exhibited towards me by Amanda Gon, the other physical therapist and front desk staff themselves and second would be the inability to consistently make the appointments.

On 10-19-21 I was again denied exit from the GEO Re-Entry Services facility by Michelle Daniel for physical therapy. 10-25-21 I finally had enough and told Concentra I did not want to waste more of their time and I would like to be returned to work even though I was not healed and my wrist still had pain. However, it was personally embarrassing trying to constantly explain why I was rescheduling appointments then not attending them also I was not able to properly rehabilitate my wrist because I was not being allowed to attend the appointments. After leaving Concentra on 10-25-21 I went back to Restaurant Depot to report back to work. I was told to return the next day 10-26-21.

Going back to work 10-26-21 had its own challenges. First and foremost, my manager Cindy was ruder than ever. When speaking with her the first few days I was back on the job she spits (more accurately gleeked) in my face when her and I were having a conversation. After doing it she took a step back to gauge my reaction. It became quite clear I was not valued at Restaurant Depot and like at GEO Re-Entry Services they were trying to get a negative reaction out of “the angry black man whose an ex con.” Upon arriving back at GEO Re-Entry Services on 10-30-21 I was told by a case manager named Ini that on 10-31-21 I had a 5:30PM curfew and or a half an hour to return to the facility from work. That week I tried to do some advanced problem solving and tried asking John Cheong and Chris Cook the Human Resource person and Store Manager respectfully if I could get the 31st off as one of my scheduled days off. They told me that they would not approve the request because it needed to be scheduled two weeks in advance. I also told my probation officer earlier that week that I preferred to stay in no that day. Despite my best efforts I was still scheduled and GEO Re-Entry Services decided to impose a curfew the day before the 31st as well. 10-31-21 I called out of work at 7AM. Explaining that the GEO Re-Entry Services staff imposed a curfew on me for that day I said that if it’s that big of an issue for them I would prefer to stay in the facility to avoid any potential allegations. I still received an unapproved absence from Restaurant Depot for that day.

On 11-7-21 I submitted a DAR during the 4AM “count” to the night monitor Musa and explained to him that the passes I had tried submitting were not in my box and I had scheduled work hours later that day. At 7:30AM on 11-7-21 the work pass was not signed or approved and at 7:35AM I was forced to call out of work at Restaurant Depot. Later that same day I tried submitting work passes through different channels at 6PM I gave it to a monitor and asked for the pass to be sent directly to the director of the facility Maria Richards at 6PM. By 6:35PM I was told she would not approve the pass. On 11-8-21 at 6:50AM I was forced to call out of work due to the DAR not being approved by any staff member with the GEO Re-Entry Services facility. On 11-8-21 I tried speaking with the job developer Gloria Folorunso directly but was made to wait nearly an hour to have her even take the pass from me despite her being in her office alone not helping anyone else. 

On 11-9-21 the pass that was previously unapproved from 11-7-21 was in my box and signed 48 hours after the requested departure date. Also on 11-9-21 what’s called an ongoing pass was inside of my sign out box that accounted for the days I called out of work due to the DAR’s I had filled out being previously unapproved. From what I have been told repeatedly from Michelle Daniel is that DAR’s are considered legal documents. So why would the ongoing pass be approved and signed with days that had already passed and were previously unapproved/denied? On 11-13-21 the monitor that I spoke with refused to send a work pass for a day of scheduled work at The Chase Center via the director of the facility Maria Richard’s orders at 5:40PM. Five days later I tried speaking with the job developer Gloria Folorunso about the scheduled day of work I had at The Chase Center on 11-20-21 during the conversation she told me that she refused to sign the work pass for me. When I asked her verbatim that “in order for you to sign the legal document I would need to supply you with information?” Job developer Gloria Folorunso replied emphatically “YES.” Needless to say the pass Was unsigned and I was again forced to miss work. 11-20-21 was the LAST scheduled day I have had at The Chase Center. Since that date I have not been able to get in contact with my boss Michael Smith.

11-30-21 I put in my two weeks’ notice at Restaurant Depot after being “written up” by Night Manager Fred Cunningham for a very miniscule infraction. I was told by Fred Cunningham that I did not complete all my work assignments. This after months of me doing the work of the entire department with little to no help from my coworkers or direct supervisor Cindy. The day in question before leaving I asked Supervisor Long Du if the aisle was acceptable and that I also stated that I made a concerted effort to make sure the department was clean and swept before leaving. However, 11-30-21 I was still given a disciplinary report and decided it was time to part ways with Restaurant Depot. After months of the “guest” from GEO Re-Entry Services waiting for me in the employee break room whenever I came into work, took my break, or took my lunch, the multiple times I have had to beg for my paycheck, being followed to and from the restroom whenever I had to use it, having to ask to use the restroom during my shift, being told by a male colleague to “use the women’s restroom” (I was born and identify as a male), and all the disrespectful comments my colleagues said about and to me it was long overdue. During my tenure at Restaurant Depot every time I used the restroom my colleagues followed me to and from the restroom even though I told multiple supervisors I had been going to the doctor to try and fix whatever was causing my frequent restroom trips. At one point my store manager Chris Cook told me whenever I needed to use the restroom I needed to take the most direct route to the restroom and back and ask for permission to use the restroom before going. Despite that being extremely belittling for the entire duration of my Restaurant Depot employment that’s what I had to do. Its my honest belief that my locker and backpack was searched daily without me being present whenever I came to work. Inside the employee break room is a visible camera yet no one saw anything wrong with going through my personal items without me present. 12-5-21 I was paid up until 12-14-21 and released from my position at Restaurant Depot. Never once did anyone approach me regarding the two weeks’ notice I submitted. No problem solving or conflict resolution, I was simply unceremoniously let go on 12-5-21 after attempting to clock in to begin my shift for that day.

Since 12-5-21 I have been out of work. On 12-6-21 I decided to go back to SF General and see if they could figure out what has been going on with my body. I met with nurse Urmimala Sarkar at 8:10AM on 12-6-21 who ordered x-rays for my wrist immediately following an examination. I took the x-rays on 12-6-21 at 9:15AM which covered my right wrist and forearm. 12-19-21 I was denied exit due to my pass not being approved by Michelle Daniel for the follow up appointment on my wrist and had to reschedule for 12-20-21 On 12-20-21 I met with practitioner Valerie Anne Sobel-Twain for a follow up on my wrist and frequent restroom trips. I was diagnosed with Overactive Bladder Syndrome and told both my wrist and bladder may require surgery. 12-30-21 I received in the mail letters from SF General telling me I was referred to schedule an appointment at the SF General Orthopedic surgery sector and that I was referred to get a CT scan of my kidneys and bladder. Despite me saying over and over at Restaurant Depot that I had a medical condition they insisted on violating my privacy and following me to and from the restroom to keep an eye on me. I tried speaking with them about my reoccurring absences, late arrival to work, my colleague’s behavior and treatment towards me as well as the incidents occurring within the GEO Re-Entry Services facility. Over and over my concerns and grievances were minimalized and dismissed. Case Manager Coordinator Michelle Daniel and other members of staff at GEO Re-Entry Services conspired, plotted and successfully sabotaged my recovery and rehabilitation of my injury to the point where I now need surgery on my wrist to fix the injury. Case Manager Coordinator Michelle Daniel, Job Developer Gloria Folorunso, Job Developer Murtala Lanval, and other members of staff conspired, plotted and successfully sabotaged my employment and income opportunities to the point where I am no longer employed, have no income, or savings and I am currently homeless on the streets of San Francisco.

On 1-13-22 my probation officer came to GEO Re-Entry Services and spoke with me regarding what was then my impending release from the GEO Re-Entry Services facility. During the conversation him and I came to an agreement that I would be let out of the facility daily from 8AM until 5PM to job search and try and find some form of housing. However, Case Manager Coordinator Michelle Daniel and Director of the facility Maria Richards refused to honor that agreement. Although I did say to my probation officer that every job I had so far had been sabotaged by the GEO Re-Entry Services employees he gave me a direct order to job search so I was inclined to obey the aforementioned direct order. Since 1-13-22 I was denied exit on 1-15-22, 1-16-22, 1-17-22, 1-20-22, 1-22-22, and 1-23-22 despite me putting on the DAR “job search” under the reason for exit field on the form. On 1-14-22 I managed to schedule an interview with Fairfield Inn and Suites San Francisco for 1-17-22 at 10AM. I submitted the pass also on 1-14-22 and was denied exit from the facility on 1-17-22 at 7:30AM to attend the interview due to Michelle Daniel not approving the pass. Ultimately ending their interest in me as a potential employee. 1-25-22 I was unceremoniously released from GEO Re-Entry Services with no savings, no source of income, thousands of dollars in debt due to past due child support and no housing.


Unapproved/Denied Passes

  • 3-9-21 (South East Medical Center)             
  • 3-17-21 (South East Medical Center)         
  • 4-22-21 (Amazon hiring)                               
  • 4-29-21 (Goodwill interview)                        
  • 5-17-21 (Amazon hiring)                               
  • 6-21-21 (SF General Appointment)
  • 7-12-21 (SF General Appointment)             
  • 7-12-21 (legal aid)                                     
  • 8-5-21 (SF General)                                        
  • 8-7-21 (Restaurant Depot)                            
  • 8-8-21 (Restaurant Depot)                            
  • 8-9-21 (Restaurant Depot)
  • 8-29-21 (Restaurant Depot)                           
  • 9-1-21 (SF General)                                 
  • 9-11-21 (Restaurant Depot)                           
  • 9-13-21 (Concentra physical therapy)       
  • 9-13-21 (library)                                                
  • 9-14-21 (SF General)
  • 9-23-21 (SF General and library)                   
  • 9-23-21 (Concentra physical therapy)
  • 9-24-21 (Concentra physical therapy)        
  • 9-24-21 (library)                   
  • 9-27-21 (library and Hospitality House)    
  • 9-28-21 (SF General lab results)                   
  • 9-29-21 (court order counseling)                
  • 9-29-21 (legal aid)
  • 9-30-21 (Concentra physical therapy)        
  • 10-8-21 (court ordered counseling)
  • 10-8-21 (Concentra physical therapy)        
  • 10-12-21 (Concentra physical therapy)  
  • 10-12-21 (Public Storage and library)         
  • 10-15-21 (legal aid)
  • 10-19-21 (HIV test results)                             
  • 10-19-21 (Concentra physical therapy)

Unapproved/Denied Passes*

  • 10-26-21 (SF General)                      
  • 11-1-21 (SF General)
  • 11-5-21 (Restaurant Depot)           
  • 11-6-21 (Restaurant Depot)
  • 11-7-21 (Restaurant Depot)           
  • 11-8-21 (Restaurant Depot)
  • 11-11-21 (Restaurant Depot)        
  • 11-17-21 (legal aid)
  • 12-10-21 (banking)                           
  • 12-12-21 (Christmas shopping for my son)
  • 12-20-21 (SF General)                      
  • 12-27-21 (diabetes check)
  • 12-28-21 (diabetes heck and court ordered counseling)
  • 12-29-21 (diabetes check)              
  • 12-30-21 (diabetes check)
  • 12-31-21 (diabetes check)              
  • 1-6-22 (file taxes and library)
  • 1-7-22 (file taxes, library and Public Storage)
  • 1-8-22 (library and legal document preparation for divorce proceedings)
  • 1-13-22 (library and Public Storage)
  • 1-15-22 (job search and library)   1-16-22 (job search and library)
  • 1-17-22 (job interview, job search and library)
  • 1-20-22 (job search, library and Public Storage)
  • 1-22-22 (job search)
  • 1-23-22 (job search)

*These are the passes that I have a record of not being approved there sadly there are plenty more

*1-25-22 at 7:05AM I was released from the GEO Re-Entry Services Facility at 111 Taylor Street in San Francisco California




Day to Day! At, Geo Re-Entry Services

 The Adventures Of The Count Of Monte Crypto

Day to Day! At, Geo Re-Entry Services

Having had to reside inside of the GEO Re-Entry Services facility varied from bad to terrible depending on the day. The GEO Re-Entry Services staff and its guests made it a point to make my stay as uncomfortable as possible. I had to beg for pretty much anything I requested. Food, paper towels, toilet paper, permission to leave (that includes medical appointments or to buy essential items), to be able to go to the back area, to use the lobby phone (since I still do not have my own phone), laundry detergent, you name it I’ve had to grovel for it. On 12-30-21 at roughly 2:30PM I accidently locked my keys inside of the room I was assigned. Instead of begging to have the door opened I waited in the hallway for the 4PM “count” in full view of a visible camera. 4:30PM monitor George Moore and a female monitor come to the door and see me sitting in the hallway outside of it. Admittedly I think George Moore tried asking me a question but I had my iPod going with my earplugs in and ignored the initial questions thinking they were most likely the same redundant questions the GEO Re-Entry Services staff loves to constantly ask me on a daily basis. Also I thought they would open the door and inspect the room as they had done 9 times a day for the previous 503 days. After not responding George Moore and the female monitor who were doing count simply walked away. Any other time you’re out and about during “count” the GEO Re-Entry Services staff will instantly begin interrogating you over why you’re not in your room. Again trying to avoid another argument I sat and waited for the next count at 7:30PM. Once the 7:30PM “count” had begun monitor Salvador Marquez and a different female monitor come up to the place in the hallway I had been sitting at under full view of a visible camera for at that point 5 and a half hours. Same results. Salvador Marquez and the other female monitor simply walked past me sitting outside in the hallway. The stalemate finally ended at 9:04PM after I went downstairs and begged for the door to be opened by a member of staff. This isn’t the first time George Moore and Salvador Marquez have attempted to antagonize me. Another situation occurred on 11-3-21 after going back to the GEO Re-Entry Services facility after work at 5:35PM George Moore decided to call the “guests” who were waiting to enter the facility before turning to me to enter. I replied “no thank you I’ll keep waiting” sarcastically. After which I was made to wait from 5:35PM until 6:30PM until William Gomez came to the door asking what happened. I replied that George Moore obviously had important police business he needed to handle first before letting me inside of the building and that the “guests” seem to take priority over me in any and all situations. After a few minutes of back and forth I was given a direct order to enter the facility by William Gomez but George Moore decided that wasn’t enough and fabricated a disciplinary report that was cosigned by Salvador Marquez. This sort of behavior was not abnormal. Salvador Marquez made it a point one day to call the Caucasian guests who came into the waiting area of the facility before he decided to call me to enter the facility. Since you do have to be “waved in” then complete the search of your persons before entering he has habitually made it a point to flex the power he has been given whenever possible. On 11-9-21 at 11:15PM I overheard Salvador Marquez having a conversation regarding me during which he told the person he was speaking to “what do you expect when you put Kelvin in a room with a n**ger?”

All the times I have used the phone no matter when it’s been has had its own separate issues. The “guests” and staff always seem to want to stand over me when I use it. “Guests” will come up to me and stand shoulder to shoulder while I am attempting to place a call and start requesting random items, grab an item near the phone such as a pen and start filling out paperwork, or when all else fails just stand there and eavesdrop on whatever I am saying. Not only is it uncomfortable but it’s an invasion of my privacy. I have called lawyers, my court ordered counseling sessions are at times via telephone, I would call my mother and child or my wife and there they would stand listening to what I’m saying with the number I dialed displayed on the phone. More than once I’ve heard the phone “pick up” from another phone in the facility being used to listen to my conversations. On 1-12-22 I had a divorce court date via zoom in which I used the phone at the monitors station in the front lobby at 1:15PM which is during the 1PM “count time” when the facility is supposed to be empty. Even still numerous members of staff and residents were mingling in the front lobby near the phone. Instead of having my privacy invaded during one of the most personal things possible I hung up the phone and went upstairs to the room I was assigned. This action may have long term consequences however it showed me at the GEO Re-Entry Services facility nothing is sacred when it pertains to me.

After begging for food from March 2020 through September 2020 I discovered a local food bank two blocks from the facility. I was allowed to go twice. The 3rd time facility director Maria Richards and Case Manager Coordinator Michelle Daniel told me that I could not leave the facility to get food since it was provided by the facility. When I tried explaining that the staff has had me begging for food for nearly the entire duration of my stay and I was sick of it I was told the decision stands “you can’t go get groceries.” From then on I was forced to think of creative ways to get food for myself. Such as fill out a DAR for “hygiene” and go to a grocery store and stock up on food so that I would be able to feed myself.

On 4-8-21 I started visiting some job developers on 6th Street in San Francisco, Ca who were named Kris Sosa and Brittany Bernard. After visiting with her a few times she upsold me on getting a phone despite me saying over and over I did not want one. Before getting the phone I did ask Indira Menken who was still my case manager at that time. I was very specific on the type of phone I was getting and the conversation was witness by another staff member named Lukeman. Against my better judgement I did get the phone and used it strictly for job searching and music. With the help of Kris Sosa and Brittany Bernard I was able to start tapping into community resources. I had a phone interview with the CAAP (General Assistance) department of Social Services on 5-20-21 at 1PM during the interview I was told I was being denied benefits because “all my needs are met at GEO Re-Entry Services.” After explaining to the interviewer that my needs are absolutely not met at GEO Re-Entry Services and that I had been selling my own personal belongings to pawn shops to buy essential items as well as the treatment I had endured while inside of the GEO Re-Entry Services facility I was told the same thing “I was being denied and the decision is final.” The woman I spoke with also told me that GEO Re-Entry Services is directly funded by SFPD. On 6-15-21 after having the phone for a month and a half during the routine search of my persons entering the GEO Re-Entry Services facility the phone I had been using was confiscated and seized as contraband. When entering the facility from the street, to the waiting area and all over every floor within the facility there are a plethora of visible cameras and I had brought the phone with me every day previous to 6-15-21 in and out of the facility and the phone was never taken from me. Earlier that day on 6-15-21 I had several phone interviews, had an in person interview and was offered a job on the spot by Restaurant Depot. 

On 7-12-21 I was denied exit for a medial appointment at 9:15AM. After explaining to Michelle Daniel (GEO Re-Entry Services Case Manager Coordinator) that I had a scheduled appointment I was told I needed to fill out another form since the first DAR I had submitted could not be found. My response was “how can I complete the form without any access to information I would need to complete it. You were present when the phone I was using was confiscated on 6-15-21 when entering the facility.” This led to over an hour of beratement and emasculation by Michelle Daniel much to the amusement of the room full of “guests” and GEO Re-Entry Services staff who were closely monitoring the situation. I kept saying over and over I needed assistance filling out the pass and I was going to miss my appointment but the harassment continued which ultimately led to me being “written up” at 10:30AM for “refusing to leave the lobby when Case Manager Supervisor, Michelle Daniel requested him to complete the DAR in his room or in the Community Area.” From 9:15AM until 10:30AM I was harassed by Michelle Daniel with a room full of onlookers who did nothing to intervene if anything they found the harassment amusing. Finally, I had enough and said I would like to go and speak with the woman who represented me during my federal case. Instantly the mood inside of the building shifted. The conversation instantly went from harassment to “calm down let’s get you over to the doctor.” Although I was allowed to get to the doctor and luckily I was seen that same day at 2PM which was 4 hours after my scheduled time on 7-15-21 Michelle Daniel left a note inside of my sign out box informing me that I was to meet with my probation officer. That same day I was questioned regarding the phone that had been seized over a month before and my probation was violated over having the phone in my possession. This after the phone being seized on 6-15-21 then after asking to speak with my federal public defender on 7-12-21 after the hour and a half of harassment I was written up by Michelle Daniel. Then I had my probation violated because the staff at GEO Re-Entry Services retaliated against me for asking to speak with legal counsel when they conveniently informed my probation officer of the previous incident that had occurred over a month prior. Although I would not need to appear in court I was being admonished and had to sign up for another 6 months at the GEO Re-Entry Services facility.

I have attempted to take steps to limit the damage to my person items. In September of 2021 I managed to purchase a PO box and on 9-21-21 I purchased a storage unit. Unfortunately as fate would have it I have nearly zero dollars in savings and will soon lose not only my PO Box but also my storage unit full of nearly all my possessions I own in life. After the fiasco with the boxes during my first stay and due to the fact I rarely ever received any mail at the GEO Re-Entry Services facility except bills from child support I thought it best to secure my belongings and mail. Whenever I started going to the hospital and dentist at the beginning of 2021 for some reason my health care cards never arrived at the GEO Re-Entry Services facility. Weeks would go by between requests and I would inquire with the medical professionals during my next visits about the status of the cards and would even have them order new cards. This also happened with cards I requested from my bank to replace ones that were rendered useless because of my personal items and information being stolen by the “guests” at GEO Re-Entry Services. After purchasing my PO box, I switched all the addresses I had on file from 111 Taylor Street to the PO box address. On 9-21-21 I requested a new health care card. On 9-28-21 it arrived at my PO box.

After purchasing my storage unit on 9-21-21 the following day 9-22-21 I completed a DAR in which I requested to “secure my personal belongings” and was denied on 3 separate occasions that day. After a lot of back and forth over the course of 3 hours I was finally able to remove some of my belongings. GEO Re-Entry Services is never to be outdone however. On 9-28-21 my wallet was stolen directly in front of a visible camera in the common area of the facility. Inside of my wallet was money, my spare PO box key, my spare storage unit key, the password and locker number of my storage unit, information regarding my divorce (case number, zoom login details, date(s) and times of proceedings), my bosses number and contact information for Bon Appétit at The Chase Center, my bank account number and my federal public defenders phone number. This was one of the few times I actually tried to have GEO Re-Entry Services do the right thing. Instead of “tucking tail and running” I asked multiple GEO Re-Entry Services staff members one of which was Tiffany Allen Head of Security at GEO Re-Entry Services (who told me she previously quit the Department of Homeland Security to work for GEO Re-Entry Services). No luck, despite that happening in plain view of a visible camera GEO Re-Entry Services did nothing to return the stolen items. Enough was really enough at that point and that’s when I seriously began trying to seek out legal aid for all the incidents I found myself in at the GEO Re-Entry Services facility. The next day 9-29-21 I was denied exit and access to legal services due to Michelle Daniel not approving the pass I filled out. On 10-1-21 three days had gone by since the thief had stolen my wallet I was denied exit due to Michelle Daniel not approving the pass I filled out at 8:30AM to go to the storage facility and change the locks. Reluctantly after explaining the situation over and over to different members of staff I was finally able to get over to the storage facility and to Golden 1 to change the lock and password on my storage unit and open a new bank account. It wasn’t until 10-4-21 that I was able to get over to USPS and order a lock replacement. Since that date I have had another storage key stolen and have had to pay for two replacements. I am currently on lock #3 at my storage unit.

On 10-7-21 when Kelvin was still my roommate I put one of the Public Storage locks on the locker I had at GEO Re-Entry Services. I have always had the suspicion that staff members and “guests” at GEO Re-Entry Services were going through my personal items when my back was turned. So I placed all my financial information (bank statements, bank information (some with my social security number on it), birth certificate, medical records, medical information, job information, pay stubs and receipts behind lock and key inside of the locker at GEO Re-Entry Services. All this material was previously in my duffel bag underneath the bottom bunk. Before it was placed behind lock and key GEO Re-Entry Services staff and its “guests” could and probably did go through those documents routinely. On 10-28-21 at roughly 7:30PM when I came back to the facility that day I noticed the lock was severely damaged as though someone had used some sort of heavy duty tool in an attempt to cut through the lock itself. Upon going through my items within the locker I came to find out only two items were seized. The two chargers I used for my iPod and Beats headphones and a separate item was taken from off my bunk. Also everything inside of my locker was gone through.

The only way to leave the facility is by filling out a legal document called a Daily Accountability Report or “DAR.” The DAR itself has sections that account for your where abouts during the day, time and date of the authorized exit, location name, address, phone number and city. As well as times you’ll be at the location. Upon returning you have to submit some sort of document or items that provides evidence you were at that location. Which in turn can be used to prosecute you in court. These documents had become the main tool for the staff to use against me in a predatory manner. The DAR’s I would fill out were frequently misplaced, unsigned, edited after they are signed and submitted, destroyed or signed days after the requested departure date. Even when the DAR’s are signed and approved on the correct date and time the staff will interrogate me regarding the information even though it is written clearly and legibly on the form. In the documents I have provided it shows my inability to be released on a consistent basis even for medical care or work due to the requested “DAR” not being approved. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

Seeking Legal Aid! At, Geo Re-Entry Services

 The Adventures Of The Count Of Monte Crypto

Seeking Legal Aid! At, Geo Re-Entry Services

                During and since my 1st stay from March of 2020 until September of 2020 I knew the behavior of the staff and its “guests” was unacceptable. But still being under the supervision of the Bureau of Prisons and due to the fact I was not being allowed to leave the GEO Re-Entry Services premises for any reason my options were limited. One time during my 1st stay I did sit down and start writing a letter to the Bureau of Prisons. After several pages I decided against it thinking that GEO Re-Entry Services would retaliate against me for seeking legal counsel as they had and have done since. After the 7-12-21 incident where Michelle Daniel berated, mocked, and belittled me before “writing me up” I decided to actively search for legal assistance for the abuses that would frequently happen to me while inside the GEO Re-Entry Services facility and sometimes out in the community by the GEO Re-Entry Services staff and “guests.” I have attempted to speak with the federal public defender I was assigned during my court proceedings on several different occasions. But due to the Corona virus epidemic most people are still working remotely from home so I was not able to get in contact with her on a consistent basis. Ihave attempted to contact her via telephone from the phone that was located at the monitors station in the front lobby of the GEO Re-Entry Services facility. Each time that I did several “guests” and GEO Re-Entry Services staff would stand a few feet away from me or pick up one of the other phones in the facility and listen to what I was saying. Although most times I would only be able to reach the voicemail of the federal public defender one of the few times I did manage to speak with her on the phone about 5 minutes into the conversation the phone I was using at the monitors station inexplicably hung up while she was still talking. About a week or so later I called back and managed to set a date and time for her and I to meet. During the conversation I tried explaining what was going on within the walls of the GEO Re-Entry Services facility but couldn’t bring myself to go in depth. The fear of reprisal was too great and even still to this day I am in constant fear of a more severe form of retaliation from either the staff of the GEO Re-Entry Services facility or the “guests” they have recruited. Nearly every time I do something they don’t approve of such as go to the library and type out this letter or work on the packets I am currently trying to finish and send they find subtle ways to retaliate against me. By the time this is completed and sent I fear an extremely severe form of retaliation from the aforementioned individuals under the GEO Re-Entry Services umbrella.

                I have tried multiple times before September 2021 to seek legal counsel. However due to GEO Re-Entry Services intricate surveillance equipment and the amount of information I had to provide to leave the facility I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that GEO Re-Entry Services has contracted the entities I have attempted to visit and used the power they wield to dissuade any potential legal professionals from assisting me. The times I kept records of trying to speak with legal counsel nearly every time from September 2021 to the current date whenever I put the address for the local library the passes are denied or edited with half the time that I requested by Michelle Daniel. The email I’m currently using was created with the help of Hospitality House password and all. I have been cagey about changing the password to the email even though I have no doubt that individuals from GEO Re-Entry Services routinely keep track of the activity within the email. After what happened with the cell phone a big fear of mine is if the password is changed GEO Re-Entry Services will retaliate against me yet again by attempting to pin a new charge on me. “Don’t want us to access your email? Ok. Well, we’ll just give you new charges.” Just like the cell phone they knew that I had the phone. I asked permission for the phone to my then case manager Indira Menken. I was searched everyday coming into the facility under several visible cameras. I was monitored on the non-visible cameras placed inside of the room I was assigned. Yet once the GEO Re-Entry Services staff and its “guests” saw that I was getting job opportunities and starting to move forward they saw the grip start to slip on the micromanagement of my life and seized the cell phone. Once I said I wanted to speak with legal counsel after the 7-12-21 incident with Michelle Daniel, Maria Richards the facility director or Michelle Daniel who were in possession of the seized phone for over a month gave the phone to my probation officer which in turn resulted in my probation being violated. Whenever the cell phone I had was seized it was sent to the FBI who was the agency that arrested me. I was told that the FBI would do a thorough search of the phone to determine if anything illicit was ever accessed on the phone. So in turn GEO Re-Entry Services and those “in the know” already know the sorts of browsing behavior I had while using the phone.

                On 9-28-21 when my wallet was stolen I had already tried to contact the federal public defender who represented me several times. Her number was the one inside of my wallet that was stolen along with the numbers to various civil and human rights groups. The action was intentional, yet another attempt by the GEO Re-Entry Services staff and “guests” to try and sabotage anything I have tried to accomplish. 9-29-21 at 10:49AM I was directly denied exit from the GEO Re-Entry Services facility to speak with legal aid due to Michelle Daniel not approving the DAR I had filled out. 10-12-21 I spoke with a local lawyer who told me I’m better served speaking with the federal public defender. This was after trying to contact him several times previously from the GEO Re-Entry Services phone at the monitors station. (Perhaps another sabotage attempt by GEO Re-Entry Services?) 10-14-21 after being denied exit from the facility due to Michelle Daniel not approving the DAR I submitted I left a message with Liberty Law asking if I would be able to come in to their office and speak with them in person. After leaving the message I submitted a DAR to go their location the following day. 10-15-21 I was denied exit to speak with Liberty Law at 9AM 10-15-21 due to Michelle Daniel not approving the DAR I had submitted. Over the next week I decided perhaps it would be better to try speaking with human rights groups regarding my situation. 10-24-21 at 9AM I started calling the numbers I had found online. However, I only managed to reach the voicemail of the numbers I tried contacting. Later that day 10-24-21 and into 10-25-21 the phone at the monitors station stopped dialing out of the facility then was replaced with a phone with a much larger screen that clearly displayed the number being dialed and saved the previously dialed numbers into the phones memory. On 10-25-21 at 11AM while attempting to go to the Concentra physical therapy appointment I had scheduled I was met outside by my probation officer who searched me asking if I had a cell phone in my possession then after confirming that I didn’t told me that Michelle Daniel does not want me having access to the internet or being allowed to go to the library. Although the demand was vetoed by my probation officer Michelle Daniel and the GEO Re-Entry Services staff was undeterred and continually refused to approve the DAR’s that I submitted.

                The court ordered counseling I have is split into two separate sections but under the same umbrella and roof. I have an individual therapist who I see every other week. Then I have a group counseling which is comprised of individuals that are currently or former GEO Re-Entry Services residents. One of the individuals in the group counselling sessions is none other than Kelvin my former roommate. One of the assignments for the group is to write out essentially a confession of any alleged previous crimes and read them aloud to the group. “This assignment provides you the opportunity to tell your personal life story. An autobiography of your life from early childhood to the present time. The purpose of this assignment is to help us to get to know you better, including your strengths and prior challenges. (sic)…please write about your life. There are no right or wrong answers. You may want to include information about: Childhood and family; relationships with friends and family; romantic and intimate relationships; sexual history; substance use history; legal history, hobbies, interests, and leisure activities, and anything else you think would help us to understand you better.”

                After my privacy and rights were trampled on by my locker being broken into and ransacked on 10-28-21 with no explanation of why or by who I attempted to contact the ACLU. I tried to avoid being intimidated by the GEO Re-Entry Services staff and its “guests” by starting to place the calls from the phones at Restaurant Depot when I was still an employee there. That didn’t help much either as they would also sit and listen in to the conversations when placed from the office phones or whenever I called from a phone in the produce department other phones in the store would get picked up by individuals during the length of my conversations. On 11-2-21 I spoke with a representative at the ACLU office at 2PM. After that day my supervisor Cindy would balk whenever I would ask to use the phone. Same as Cindy did when I was asking for my paycheck the day I ended up injuring myself on 9-4-21 Cindy would tell me she didn’t think the phone I was asking to use didn’t work or just flat out refuse to let me use the store phone. 11-3-21 at 9:10AM Michelle Daniel told me she would no longer approve any further passes for work at either Restaurant Depot or The Chase Center. Later that day on 11-3-21 I sent an email with a few pages of documents related to my situation as well as a brief summary of my legal issues. As I was becoming more motivated to try and seek legal counsel the situation within the GEO Re-Entry Services facility and Restaurant Depot got progressively worse. On 11-8-21 I placed several calls attempting to find a lawyer to speak with. But much to the glee of the “guests” and GEO Re-Entry Services staff who were monitoring the calls I was unsuccessful. Every time GEO Re-Entry Services did allow me to leave the GEO Re-Entry Services facility to speak with legal counsel I got the feeling that they already knew what happened because whenever I would return dejected the “guests” and GEO Re-Entry Services staff would have a look of triumph whenever I came back to the facility unsuccessful.

                Currently I have been working on several packets of documents relating to this issue which is currently over 175 pages. Due to the illegal monitoring system within the GEO Re-Entry Services facility they’ve been tracking my progress and attempting to hinder any attempts to finish compiling the information I have. More than once documents I had would come up missing when I would leave them unattended to the point I started carrying 5 separate USPS priority mail envelopes filled each one filled with the 175 pages of documents with me wherever I would go to prevent any further evidence from being destroyed or stolen. Despite my probation officer and I coming to an agreement on 1-13-22 to let me out of the facility to job search and look for some form of housing before my exit from the GEO Re-Entry Services facility. Michelle Daniel refused to approve 6 different passes from 1-14-22 through 1-25-22 the day I was released from the GEO Re-Entry Services facility. Despite Michelle Daniel and the GEO Re-Entry Services staff knowing that I had no savings, income or housing Michelle Daniel and the GEO Re-Entry Services Staff up until the day I left the GEO Re-Entry Services facility would continually conspire, plot and eventually successfully sabotaged my attempts to secure any form of assistance for myself. Michelle Daniel and the GEO Re-Entry Services staff has since the day I stepped foot in the facility placed me in an impossible situation they saw would have no chance of success for me. Once I was able to begin moving forward then began the sabotage.  

    Around the middle of April 2022 I managed to cold call a community outreach group by the name of Root and Rebound located in Oakland. I found out about this program through cold calling various community outreach groups attempting to get assistance with housing as well as information regarding the legality of the heinous acts committed against me while a resident at two programs in San Francisco.

    Before I mentioned the legal questions I was treated to gift cards that really helped me while being homeless on the streets of San Francisco. After which I did open up to one of the people who worked for the company about the abhorrent behavior exhibited towards me while in the various programs in SF. Eventually it came to feel like the gift cards as an opener was more of a bribe to "get me to talk".     I discussed at length with supporting documents my life as a whole from early 2020 until current and although I felt like I was making progress and would finally find a sense of peace regarding the situation unfortunately I never did. I was constantly asked for information regarding my current location and actions while being given false hope regarding housing.     After enough times of "playing ping pong" or "chasing my tail" I decided it was best just to let it go.     When discussing any potential legal claims against the individuals in San Francisco some assurances were made but never followed through on. At one point I was told nearly everything I had documented was circumstantial and that (Root and Rebound) could easily see how the administration in San Francisco could easily look the other way when it came to me for various reasons.

 The Adventures Of The Count Of Monte Crypto End Of My Stay! At, GEO Re-Entry Services Part 2 The times my progression has been hinder shoul...